Our Culture
We value innovations and constructive feedbacks from all our members to attain continuous improvements. We, as a Japanese company also value much about our clients and ensure to strive high quality delivery and customer satisfaction. We embrace diversity in people and their thoughts. We strive towards high integrity as well as cordial behaviour amongst our employees and focus on having good rapport with our customers and vendors. We not only value very much about ethics and integrity but also practice it as a culture.
Hōu-Ren-Sō (報・連・相) is a business mantra or acronym in Japanese business culture. It is an "abbreviation of "Hōkoku" (報告, to report), "Renraku" (連絡, to inform) and "Sōdan" (相談, to consult)
Being a Japanese company and having our main focus on Japanese clientele, we encourage to have Japanese language interaction with our Clients as well as with our counterparts of our parent company in Japan.